Come along to Barholm, Portaferry (opposite Ferry slip) for 7.30pm this Wednesday, 23rd October, to hear Cathy Hinds, N. Ireland Officer for the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group talk about these fascinating cetaceans.  Learn what is going on in the waters just off our coast.  Admission including refreshments: FREE.  Donations to PAST welcome.

Talk by Dr. Julia Sigwart, Director of the Queen's University Marine Laboratory in Portaferry.  Julia has travelled to many parts of the World in persuit of her research interests.  In this talk she will both take us to Antarctica and also into the cockpit of a submersible as she travels to the depths of the Indian Ocean.

Venue: Barholm, Portaferry (opposite Ferry slip).

Come along next week at 7.30pm on Wed 23rd October to hear Cathy Hinds, N.I. representative of the Irish Whale and Dolpin Group, tell us about these fascinating cetaceans.  For details, see our Events page (also contains details of the rest of our 2019 programme).

The 2020 programme is nearly finalised.  Keep an eye on the Events page for details.

Entitled “1818, The Golden Age of Portaferry and Strangford”, this exhibition will provide a window on the remarkable amount of maritime activity in both villages and their connections with the rest of the world 200 years ago.  Strangford Narrows was the site of the world’s first commercial scale tidal turbine and visitors will be able to learn about recent tidal energy projects in the area that put it at the forefront of renewable energy research.  The exhibition will also cover seaweed production from 200 years ago right up to the present, with the largest sustaianable seaweed cultivation research project in these islands being located in Strangford Lough.

Dr. Bob Brown will be giving a talk entitled “Birds of the Narrows…. the bigger picture!” at 7.30pm in the Market House, The Square, Portaferry. Admission, £3 in aid of PAST, includes refreshments. Bob is an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and entertaining speaker. This promises to be a fascinating evening. All are welcome.

As many will know, the legendary pub quiz at 8.30pm on the last Thursday of every month in Fiddler’s Green pub, Church St, Portaferry is in aid of PAST. The next will be on Thursday 26 January. Do come along for a great evening’s craic and help us with our work.